Compton's Cafeteria Riot Celebration at Aunt Charlie's
Hosted by the TurkxTaylor initiative & Tenderloin Museum
Saturday, August 26th | 7:00-9:00 pm
At Aunt Charlie's | 133 Turk St. SF, CA 94102
Join us to commemorate the Compton's Cafeteria Riot of 1966, a landmark event where the queer and trans community rose against police brutality, years before the Stonewall Riot. As we gather at Aunt Charlie’s — the last queer bar in the Tenderloin — we'll celebrate this legendary event, keeping in mind the historic site is currently operated as a halfway house by a private prison corporation.
Weather permitting, projection activist Alan Marling will shine messages on the Turk and Taylor building. Let’s come together to envision ways to liberate the building and reimagine a more just future for the historic site.
*Feel free to stay for The Hot Boxxx Girls drag show at 10 pm ($5 cover)
Free* | Email info@turkxtaylor.com to RSVP