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THE STAIRS: Film Screening with GLIDE Harm Reduction

The documentary, The Stairs, profiles social workers at Toronto's Regent Park Community Health Centre, all of whom are former or current drug users. The Stairs tells the story of Marty, Greg and Roxanne, who each survived decades of street-involvement. Using their experiences to ease the paths of others, they perform social work in their old neighborhood, while struggling to maintain their newly-found stability. Told over five years, The Stairs examines life on society’s margins. Defying stereotypes through intimate portraits, its remarkable subjects are surprising, funny, shocking and moving. This compassionate film looks at progressive urban drug policies alongside the human realities of addiction.

Join us for a screening of the 2016 documentary at the Tenderloin Museum on March 23rd at 6:30/7pm, and a panel discussion following the film featuring our neighbors at GLIDE Harm Reduction Programs and the harm reduction community. Panelists include Charles Hawthorne (Harm Reduction Training Institute and Outreach Program at the Harm Reduction Coalition), Paul Harkin (HIV/Hep C & Harm Reduction Program Manager at Glide), Dr. Isaac Jackson and Miss Ian (SF Drug Users’ Union), as well as Kristen Marshall and Wayne Rafus (SF AIDS Foundation). These leaders in the field of harm reduction will discuss plans to bring supervised drug consumption services (SCS) to California to promote health, dignity, and respect for people who use drugs.

San Francisco has an estimated 22,500 people who inject drugs. Due to lack of accessible and affordable housing options, many people don't have any other choice except to use drugs in public places. Public drug use is associated with increased risk of HIV and hepatitis C transmission, and amidst the opioid overdose epidemic, many people are dying from preventable overdoses.

This event is free and open to the public thanks to support from the Tenderloin Health Improvement Partnership.

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