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Tenderloin Museum Annual Volunteer Fair 2018

The Tenderloin Museum is thrilled to announce its annual Volunteer Fair will take place on Tuesday, January 23rd. This is an excellent opportunity to meet and connect with representatives from several of the Tenderloin’s vital service nonprofits. Learn about the many ways one can serve those in need and build meaningful community in the heart of San Francisco. This gathering is intended to be inclusive and engaging for first time volunteers and seasoned civil servants, so please come join the conversation about involvement and impact. 

The Volunteer Fair begins with an opening reception at 6:30 pm, followed by short presentations at 7 pm from over a half dozen local organizations. Participants include Glide, 826 Valencia, Larkin St. Youth, Coalition for the Homeless, Code Tenderloin, Project Open Hand, the St. Anthony Foundation, Skywatchers, The Gubbio Project, and more. More detailed information on each group is included below. 

Glide Memorial Church is a pillar in the Tenderloin community. Glide’s mission is to create a radically inclusive, just and loving community mobilized to alleviate suffering and break the cycles of poverty and marginalization

826 Valencia is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting under-resourced students ages six to eighteen with their creative and expository writing skills and to helping teachers inspire their students to write.

Larkin St. Youth provides youth between the ages of 12 and 24 with the help they need to rebuild their lives. Each year, more than 3,000 youth walk through our doors seeking help. We give them a place where they can feel safe; rebuild their sense of self-respect, trust, and hope; learn school, life and job skills; and find the confidence to build a future.

Coalition for the Homeless organizes homeless people and front line service providers to create permanent solutions to homelessness, while working to protect the human rights of those forced to remain on the streets.

Code Tenderloin works with individuals left out of San Francisco’s economic gains to prepare, stabilize, and teach them job readiness and life skills for entering the workforce giving members of our community radical opportunities. Our goal is to increase employment rates for men and women of color, formerly incarcerated or homeless individuals, and to provide them with support needed to get them employed – and ultimately into a meaningful career.

Project Open Hand is a nonprofit organization that provides meals with love to critically ill neighbors and seniors. Our food is like medicine, helping clients recover from illness, get stronger, and lead healthier lives.

The St. Anthony Foundation has been providing essential support to San Franciscans living in poverty since 1950. Every day, St. Anthony’s serves 2400 meals, provides 150 people with fresh, clean clothing, and supports 70 people with addiction recovery services. 

Skywatchers brings residents of San Francisco’s Tenderloin District into partnership with professional artists to create multi-disciplinary, site-specific performance installations that amplify the rich and complex stories, life experiences, and talents of community members. ABD initiated the Skywatchers program in collaboration with Community Housing Project (CHP) and the Luggage Store Gallery.

The Gubbio Project’s mission is to be in community with and to provide a sacred space and sanctuary for unhoused people in need of safe, compassionate respite during the day.