Skywatchers, a program of ABD Productions, brings together a richly diverse community in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood to collaboratively create celebratory site-specific performance. This community performance ensemble is rooted in the lives, talents, and stories of Tenderloin residents, who are performers and co-creators of the work. Together we celebrate the voices, the collective brilliance and power of Tenderloin residents, rising up, resisting, and daring to live as we imagine.
On May 27, audience members will witness these stories, join our joyous procession from the Tenderloin Museum (just before sundown) through the neighborhood to the Tenderloin National Forest, led by the inimitable vocalist and choral director, Melanie DeMore, and enjoy the music, dance, song, and visual art that makes Skywatchers not only an aesthetic experience, but also the community celebration and life affirming event that it is.
Featuring residents of the Senator, Iroquois, Cambridge, Dalt, and Hamlin Hotels. Also featuring participants of Larkin Street Youth. With guest artists Melanie DeMore, NAKA Dance Theater, and the ABD Ensemble.
Skywatchers is produced in partnership with Luggage Store Gallery, Community Housing Partnership, Larkin Street Youth Services, and the Center for Art and Social Justice.
Tenderloin Museum
398 Eddy Street (@ Leavenworth)
Friday May 27th